How to play dummy card game to win

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How to play dummy card game to win The fun of live casinos, I think, is that we get to play with real players through online casinos. without having to risk playing at a casino And now he has many types of gambling card games to serve as well, especially Dummy, the king of card games that many people are familiar with. For those who are not familiar with or have only heard of the name Today, I have a way to play dummy for you. However, there are some things that you need to know. Let’s see.

How to play dummy card game to win

The basics of dummy that you need to know

In addition to the cards, in playing dummy, the number of players also affects the dealt of cards. The more people there are, the fewer cards will be. For example, if there are 2 people, they will receive 11 cards each. If playing with 3 people, they will receive 9 cards each. But if playing with 4 people, they will receive 7 cards. Most people play 4 cards. people because the number of cards in hand will not be too much In addition, the time spent playing each round is good.

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