How to play Fantan online super fantan style If talking about another form of gambling that is easy to play, it would be Fan Tan , a simple gambling game that uses only a handful of nuts to bet. But now I think it’s starting to be difficult to follow. Maybe because it’s not popular or it takes time to finish the game slowly. Luckily, online casinos UFABET have Fantan for us to play. But how does it play? What’s the difference? Is it difficult to play? Let’s go see together.

What is Fan Tan, anyone know?
The Fantan game or what the westerners call it Fantan is popular to play along the way. General online casinos with simplicity in the rules The way to play is that the dealer scoops up the beans and arranges them in a row of 4 beads until they run out, with the last row deciding whether it will be 1, 2, 3 or 4 beads. There are also even-odd bets as well.
Then Super Fantan What’s the difference?
For Fan Tan, in some casinos this game is called. Super Fan Tan The difference is that he doesn’t use nuts to play but uses playing cards instead. In which the cards used will come from drawing 6 cards and then combine the points. Then take the points that have been counted on the bead table on the table, 4 points per row, with the last row deciding the result, just like the traditional Fan Tan.
Although how to play Super Fan Tan looks complicated, but believe it or not, it takes a lot of time to play per round. Because dealers don’t have to waste time counting beans, sorting beans because this one uses a point counting system. Most of the time it takes about 30 seconds.